Sunday, October 30, 2011
Free Write
My C.E.O, corporate boss, boss, supervisor, managers, managers in training, co workers, and customers make my community. How i interact with them depends on if i'm at work or hanging out outside of work. With my C.E.O and corporate boss i am always professional no matter the circumstance that's our relationship. The rest, like my supervisor, managers and co-workers we have a friendly almost family bond where we support each others needs through out the work place and beyond professional we have personal ties. We look out for each other when we have rude customers come into the store. As a cashier i am responsible for the whole front area also to be the first welcoming face that interacts with them. There no specific sign up list to join the store.It is open to the public. Big 5 sporting goods is a family owned store by all men with the name of Dan a coincident that just happened. The store needs workers so those who want to work apply, get interviewed if qualified for the job description they get hired. Once you apply you work to keep your current position.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Some things I learned in module 1 as a professional student was that there are different ways to present my self. There was a name for switching from being professional to home bound and that was code switching. I presented my self everyday with the attitude that i was ready to learn also ready to look good both in my studies and my looks. I failed my self by being late all the time and by not having my assignments turned in with high accuracy. The only thing I'm proud of is the fact that I'm still at the year up site even after all my mess ups. My grades were on top of it because I did take the time to study and work on my academics. I need to adjust the way my behavior is, the way I present, and also the way I write. My time managing skills and leadership skills is what i need to put more work in to recreate my strengths.
Friday, October 14, 2011
My neighborhood has affected my character in many ways. I have moved a lot throughout the years and the majority of my young adult hood was spent in Marin County. Marin County is known to be one of the richest Counties in the Bay Area. The majority of the population in Marin County is Caucasian and middle to upper class citizens. In Marin County there is a minimal likely hood for what is perceived as a ‘hood or ghetto” to arise. Being of African descent and coming from a background of low income where the man who is supposed to be my father worked almost twenty four hour days to provide the basic living necessities such as food, clothing and shelter for me. As a young adult, I was left with strangers and basically had to raise myself, it is no surprise that the streets became my friend and my comfort zone. In order to keep up with the main stream and gentrified standards I felt, was to take things that did not belong to me.
I was not going to tolerate being perceived as just a Haitian girl, I wanted a title that would make people remember me. I went from being Crazy Lil TK, my nick name from being wild, to simply Cedore. , I got high all day to block my emotions and to tune out from all the wrong things that I did. I started to become obsessive and intense to the point where I lost my self, due to “playing grown man games” as my elders would say. I was not prepared for the amount of heartless actions such as raping and murders I saw growing up. I was young, so I had trained my mind what was the right thing to do, even though it was excessively wrong. I worked hard at fitting into a community that today remembers my face, but does not acknowledge my existence because I decided to get out the game. I have changed and have no regrets.
Monday, October 10, 2011
* How are these companies who profit from low-wage earners exacerbating the opportunity divide? * Who holds responsibility for alleviating this issue- the corporations, government, or individuals etc- and what resources need to be in place for people to access?
After reading Business Week, I assembled in my mind that the reason banks for example Bank of America corporation, financial investors, and U.S Bancorp use people. People who are low income and are in need of money and are vulnerable is for their own selfish reasons that blows my mind. They mislead their clients into signing a contract that increases their interest rate secretly.They get paid personally when a client receives interest of 28 % for not paying their bills on time.They catch bait and real in the nations poor, college students,low income communities that are living on a day to day pay check. How does not knowing sometimes what the out come of the next day will be?. This selfish corporation Bank of America within its self did not write in clear print the fact is banks rip you off. At the the same time it had drawn the attention of the law and caused them to get a civil suit against them. At the same time the government system is still in their favor and has not shut them down. Even though we do have resources for example Financial Aid for students, Bail bonds for those who get incarcerated, Mortgage loans for those who can not afford to keep their means of shelter. That is when they have to go take a loan out at the bank and fall into, what they call interest. In actuality is the word they use to undermine the situation and defined their reasons to take money from people at their most dilapidated and vulnerable hard times. To some people this is this way because of the different class pyramid system we call government.
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